Interim management and restructuring


Leadership positions within technology

Taking over functional responsibility requires implementation expertise and profound understanding of technologies. When implementing customised measures, we direct internal activities to the targets which we have agreed upon with our clients. This approach ensures the optimal use of available resources. We are happy to advise our clients on all matters of supply chain management from identification and choice of suppliers to negotiating contracts and the control and supervision of suppliers' performances.

R & D optimisation and product development

We analyse and evaluate existing processes in detail and together with our clients we identify, assess and implement potentials for improvement. Throughout implementation we attach importance to adequate training in the new procedures. The right balance between the technically feasible and the actual requirements for the success of the product is the most important factor of success in the product development. We help our clients with the early identification of the chief characteristics of products and advise our clients on necessary technologies and procedures to achieve them.

Assessment of technology from an operational perspective

The evaluation of technologies and their alternatives is essential for operational and technical management decisions. We offer support in the process of evaluating technologies, e.g. by elaborating practical aids to decision-making.

Increase in production efficiency

We support our clients and all of their staff members in identifying savings potentials, which we evaluate in terms of quantity and progress including the necessary investment and the impacts on other fields of production. We monitor their implementation by introducing a detailed control of measures for the analysis of deviations and as a basis for countermeasures. We identify action needs and implement countermeasures together with our clients.